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Exodus 14:15 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!
Exiting the comfort zone

To embrace the new that God has for your life will require you to get out of your comfort zone. This month, I will be teaching on the principles of what is required by God in order to step out of your comfort zone and walk boldly into His divine purpose.

We will explore how faith empowers you to trust God beyond what is familiar, how obedience aligns you with His will, and how courage helps you overcome fear. Through biblical teaching, prayer, and practical application, we will learn to fully embrace the new season God has prepared for us. Don’t miss this life-changing series!


Wk 1

“What God has for Me is much Bigger than what I have now!”

“A comfort zone is a psychological state where you feel safe, at ease, and in control. It's a place where you don't need to do anything new, difficult, or scary.  Faith is no longer needed nor a Priority because you have grown to own that place.”

Ex. 14:15

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!

  1. Embracing God’s Call to move forward
  1. Break the Predictable Routine
  • Change your Spiritual Style
  • Devote your Srcipture Reading
  • Upscale your Prasise & Worship
  • Improve your Giving
  • Better your Attendance
  • Sharpen your Service

“What God has for me is much bigger than what I have now!”